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Global Aircargo Alliance New Member Announcement
Catoni Air & Sea Forwarding Ltd. (Istanbul, Turkey)

  Dear Airfreight friends,

We are happy to announce that Catoni Air & Sea Forwarding Ltd. (Istanbul, Turkey) has registered and confirmed their membership with Global Aircargo Alliance – Connecting Air Cargo Forwarders Worldwide.

About Catoni Air & Sea Forwarding Ltd. (Istanbul, Turkey)

“CATONI AIR & SEA FORW.LTD. is the forwarding arm of CATONI TRANSPORT GROUP whose important goal is to show progress on airfreight further in te years ahead. Holding an IATA license for many years makes us an importnat player in the market. We are committed to airfreight industry as we have also openned our new airport office in the new airport of Istanbul as of April 2019. Imports fm FE, Exports to ME, Exports to Africa, EXports to USA, EU and SOUTH AMERICA are the main fields we believe we can be helping to our collegues in GAA.”

CATONI is one of the leading transport organisation having presence in the region since 1846. Continuity has becomme one of the most important motto of of our company. Having said that the organisation is currently running with its own offices in the countries like Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia and Iraq (Erbil).

The Catoni Group of Companies had operated in the Arab speaking countries of the East Mediterranean for many decades, as trade and commerce became progressively more challenging the Beard family business focus moved the group activities to the emerging markets and economies of the Black Sea. Since 1989, after the establishment of the companies in Bulgaria and Romania, Catoni has developed to encompass the countries within the region, providing logistics, shipping, and value added services in the ports of the Black Sea, Aegean and Mediterranean.

Established in 1846 by a certain Mr Catoni the group origins are in Turkey, where for a century or more the principal activity had been shipping. Today the business has diversified into three main components designed to provide supporting services for hydrocarbon exploration and production, shipping and logistics services and trade. The head office is in Istanbul where one may find unsurpassed expertise, knowledge and experience gained from years of leadership and good business practice. Catoni’s Management principles, Ethics and Values are best appreciated from its leading role in so many major business developments .

• Strong buying power with all main carriers
• Oncarriage and precarriage arrangements in Turkey
• Owned Airport office at new Istanbul Airport
• IATA Licenced forwarder
• Liability Insurance
• Customs Brokerage services through subcontractors

Best regards,

Christian Raeuber + Nils Walle
Directors and Founders
Global Aircargo Alliance